Thursday, 13 December 2007

So, one day down. Six more (ish) to go.


Breakfast: 1 pint Cocoa, 6 oz bread
Dinner: 1 pint soup, 6 oz bread
Supper: 1 pint tea, 6 oz bread

That's a lot of bread, right there. It's a lot of bread. A LOT of bread. I don't think I've ever eaten as much bread as that in my life. At least not as much bread without any tasty additions such as butter or marmite. Mmmm, Marmite! Please!

Breakafst was...bloody awful. You just can't mix cocoa and wholemeal bread. You just can't! It can't be done! It's sick inducing! It's like drinking a hot chocolate milkshake while trying to eat bread. But the thing is, it stopped me being hungry. Period. Not a bit of hungryness right up to lunchtime. All hail the Board of Guardians.

One thing I did notice though was how bloody tired I was. Normally I have a cup of tea or coffee first thing, followed by another at about half ten. Today - nothing. I was so bloody sleepy! I was like a pensioner who'd had his sleepy pills, followed by a big roast dinner and a pint of Guinness. This made work slightly harder than it probbably ought to have been.

Oh, and the vomit-soup. It was fine! Not lovely, but fine. Sort of vegetably but at least it soaked up the bread. And lo, I was sated!

And the big news of the day - I CAN HAVE SUGAR IN MY TEA! LET JOY BE UNBOUNDED!

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