Friday 14 December 2007

Two days in...

Breakfast: 1 pint porridge, 6oz bloody bread
Lunch: 3oz bread, 4oz meat (MEAT!), 8oz veg
Supper: 6oz bread, 1 pint tea (WITH SUGAR!)

Oh cripes. A pint or porridge. A PINT. I don't mind Readybreak, but lets face it, Readybrek is for quitters. People who can't hack proper oats. I tried proper oats. Blimey. It was almost like eating 'stodge' in a mug, only with a milky sheen. I don't mind the porridge though, it's the bread that's annoying. I actually only ate 3 or my regulation 4 rolls this morning cos I couldnt face munching through it. What can I do about the bread? Wholemeal without any manner of drink to go with it is night on abominable - but I can't work out what I could get away with. The only white bread going in the 1870s would have been heavily adulterated with chalk or alum and that might do bad things to my bottom. Ahem.

I might bake my own. Now that'd be a laugh. After the soda bread.....unpleasantness..

Lunch was a riot - Asda stewed steak, tinned potatoes, peas and carrots. Mmmm! It looked.....awful Seriously bad. In the worst way. But (and maybe it's the diet of nothing but bread) it tasted fantastic. The beef was really beefy and again, I could dump the bread in it and forget it was there. And I wasn't hungry at all again.

I haven't weighed myself, but this diet seems to be working.


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